Cute Text Message Strategies

1. Avoid being boring and predictable. Predictability and boredom are the most serious offenses in text flirting. Text messages should be interesting and enjoyable. If you aren't able to come up with something fun or interesting to send, then you shouldn't text her at all.For example, you shouldn't start a conversation via text with messages as boring as "Hey :)" or "How do you feel about your day?" It's a complete snorefest. She probably gets those kinds of messages from every guy she meets, so do something to stand out. You can try something different and give her an incentive to respond, such as "you totally cheated on soccer the other night." I demand an opportunity to play again.

2. Be personal. Sometimes, text messages may be a bit personal. It will help build confidence between you. You can send her name in a message. This will make it more personal and exciting. Or, you could choose to name her after an individual nickname. This makes it seem like you're having an inside joke. Make use of the words "us" as well as "we" in your messages -this creates a "me and you against the world" feeling that girls are drawn to.

3. Make her feel special by giving her a nice compliment. Example: "Wow, your hair is stunning today.. It's simple. Girls like to be appreciated. It makes them feel valued and special. It's okay to include a few praises within your emails. Use a classic, yet powerful phrase like "I can't help but think about you in that black and blue dress" or something more distinctive like "you have a quirky sense of humor, but I really like it." Do not make a joke about her. It's very easy for girls to spot fakes within one mile. Have a look at this love you as always for info.

4. Be a bit in the realm of mystery. While it's okay to be secretive in your messages, you want to make her to feel as if she's chasing you, not the other way around. So, try being vague or aloof sometimes but not to the point that she starts to doubt your behavior. Avoid sending lengthy messages that detail every dull thing of your day-to-day life, for instance when she wants to know what you did today. Try writing something like "It was pretty bizarre actually. I am always amazed at the people around me. You can be sure that she'll be curious and will ask you for more details in the following message. Don't be too specific if she questions your plans for your weekend. She won't want to know that you're going to be spending your weekend writing papers. Inform her that you're about to battle a dragon or some other bizarre creature. It doesn't have to be true.

5.Tease her little. Teasing is a great flirting method -it creates a kind of intimacy between you without being too serious. As I mentioned before saying that your girl is cute nicknames (one that you only use) is a good method to make fun of her. Some cute nicknames are "freckles" and "little miss perfect". Discuss things she's done or said the last time you met. For instance, if she says she's going to grab Coke, you can say something like "just don't pour it down your nose like you did last time) ". This is called call-back comedy. It brings attention to the time you were having fun together. It helps her feel positive about your relationship. Be respectful However, you should not be rude. If you don't, your relationship may end abruptly.

6 Try to be a bit provocative. A relationship that is text-flirting is not complete without some flirty suggestion to keep things interesting. You could ask her what she's wearing. You could also ask her something like "I am in love with the dress you chose, but what do I like underneath?" Another good technique is to take an innocent expression of hers and make it appear sexual. For instance, if she says, "I can't believe it how long it takes!" If she says something like "I can't believe how long it's taken me!" you could simply reply, "That's what I said!" It's okay to mention that you just came from the shower if you are a little nervous about sexting. If she responds in a sexually flirtatious fashion (like "dang.I'd love to have that") you can be certain that she's willing to the idea. Check out this love sms for examples.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages short and sweet. Long text messages can seem a bit too eager and not really interesting. It is best to keep your messages brief and concise - not more than 2 or 3 paragraphs. Try to make to your messages humorous, clever, or sweet -flirting should never involve small talk about the weather.

2. Send equal amounts of text messages. In any texting relationship there should be some level of equality. One person should not send more messages than others. Sending too many texts will make you seem over-eager and maybe a little too accessible. This can make you appear overly assertive, which may result in her becoming afraid or even lose interest. It's possible that you appear uninterested or think you're texting several girls at once If you don't send enough messages. This could result in her dismissing you as a lost cause. It is important to make sure that you are sending around equal numbers of text messages. If possible, tilt the balance slightly to her advantage. Be aware of who is the one who initiates and ends each text exchange - try to switch between them if you can.

3. Be careful with spelling and grammar. When you send texts, you need your message to be professional and witty. Teenagers could be able perform this, however, adults over 18 must pay more attention to grammar and spelling.
You don't need to go looking up big words in the dictionary just to seem intelligent, just do a quick scan of every text before you send it to ensure there aren't any obvious errors or misspellings. It could make a significant difference in how your text will be perceived. A photo of your girlfriend wearing a new dress is a good illustration. This is more enthusiastic and playful than "wow!" while "I love it ..."" is more flirty, suggestive and flirty as opposed to "I am in love with it". You shouldn't go overboard using emoticons. Although they are highly effective when properly used however, they can turn into a snobbery if used too often. See this romantic relationship sms for more.

4. Don't let the conversation drag on. You must learn how to end a dying conversation. This is one of the most important textsing skills. If you let texting drag on too long, there will be a lack of exciting topics to discuss and the conversation can become boring and awkward. It's crucial to end the conversation before it gets to this point. This will allow you to make her want more. You can conclude the conversation with something flirty and adorable like "gotta go, baby, I'll speak to you later." Do not get into too much trouble without my consent!" or "Time for sleep - I have to take my beauty rest." See you in your dreams!"

5. Text flirting shouldn't be used in lieu of actual flirting. Text flirting should only be used as a tool for flirting in between actual flirting sessions. Texting is greatbecause it is possible to say things in text that you would not be able to say in real life. But nothing beats the excitement of flirting in the real world. Text chats can be utilized to plan your next date with a casual friend or plan your next gathering. It gives texting an objective, and it is something that you enjoy and look forward to. Keep in mind that eye contact, bright smiles, and a gentle brush of the arm will surpass any words on screens.

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